Minnesota Fishing Co.
Ottertail Lake Area
All lake are averaging around 15 - 17 inches of ice. Some of the smaller lake may have less arounf 12 - 13 inches.
Fishing has slowed some and chased away anglers. But those who aren't discouraged have been catching fish. You just have to hole hop a little until you find them.
Walleye fishing on Otter has been good and the bite on West has been the best this past week!
Otter Tail Lake : 11 - 12 inches of Ice. Walleye fishing has been slow but is starting to pick up. People getting some nice 18 and 19 inchers.
Rush Lake : 11 - 12 inches of Ice. Has been hit and miss as of late for walleye.
West Leaf : 12 - 13 inches of Ice
East Leaf : 12 - 13 inches of Ice
Battle East/West : Report's area similar to Otter about 11 inches of ice, Crappie bite has been good
Walker Lake : 11 - 12 inches good amounts of crappie being found 11-12 inchers
Pike Fishing/Spearing has been good!
Expect an average of 6 to 7 inches of snow cover out on the lakes